Tuesday 5 March 2013

Hovering kisses

I need to work out what greeting Turkish men are going for; I can’t be doing with all of these hovering kisses.

You raise your hand to welcome a stranger and they reach out to wrap their hands around yours in a powerful handshake, staring directly into your eyes.

You extend your arm to shake a client’s hand and they pull you in for a friendly hug.

You hug your friend to say hello, then you suddenly find your arms are linked as they stroll down the street with you attached.

You attempt to link arms with an old acquaintance and they kiss you on both cheeks.

You stretch out your arms to hug an old Turkish friend and, as you attempt to go for the cheek-kiss, they grab you around the neck and tap their head against yours at the temple, then again on the other side of your head; a traditional political greeting.

You attempt the traditional political greeting with a British colleague at the airport and head-butt them in the face.

Ok, this one only almost happened. Everything else definitely happened.

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